Account-based marketing (ABM) is considered a key business-to-business (B2B) marketing strategy. ABM is the process by which focused, personalized campaigns and messages are disseminated to a clearly-defined set of target accounts within a specific market. This type of marketing technique employs customized campaigns designed to reverberate with each other. With ABM, your marketing message is made based on the specific attributes of the targeted account for marketing.
Account-based marketing is mainly used by companies looking to acquire specific high-value customers. They are served better by an ABM strategy, instead of a broad-reaching approach to their sales and marketing plan. ABM needs more account level personalization compared to traditional marketing, so the cost is realistically higher.
Account-based marketing offers realistic benefits to organizations that implement it:
- Increased marketing ROI
- Efficient and optimized strategy
- A more personal approach
- Driven and growing revenue
- Increased sales and marketing alignment
- Improved customer experiences
According to Dave Rigotti, the Vice President of Marketing at Bizible: “From identifying and engaging key personas at target accounts all the way to working with existing customers to expand product use throughout their lifetime, ABM can absolutely be effective across the entire customer lifecycle.”
You may want to use a specifically-qualified task force that will be responsible for developing and tracking your ABM strategy. When you are starting fresh, you will need the team to steer the change management.
ABM is a scalable strategy that can be adopted by organizations of all sizes. While ABM isn’t another approach to market deliberately to target accounts, it is a versatile methodology that companies of all sizes can use to concentrate on the entire lifecycle of promoting for key accounts. Marketing, selling to, and supporting your clients at an account level isn’t just essential to your success, it’s what your clients expect. Competitive organizations that are centered around drawing in their clients all through their consumer journey need to offer service at an account level, comprehend the impact of direct communication with specific contacts.
Want to get started with account-based marketing? Click on the link below to watch a quick video and to download the whitepaper. What Is Account-Based Marketing?