13 AI-Powered Marketing Automation Tools

By Emily Pribanic - Last Updated on August 26, 2024
AI-Powered Marketing Automation Tools

AI is powering marketing automation tools to improve your marketing strategies.

AI-powered marketing automation tools are available for every industry and can improve your marketing efforts and drastically increase your company’s ROI.

Artificial intelligence is affecting all industries in a major way. From transportation to marketing, AI is allowing companies to create better products and find more effective ways to promote those products. There are many AI marketing tools available today for you to drastically improve your marketing efforts.

Companies are constantly having to fight for consumer’s attention and the best way to grab this attention is through creative marketing, personalization and thorough an understanding of buyer personas. An excellent way to achieve this is to analyze the massive amount of data that is available to you. This can be very challenging, though, which is why many companies are beginning to see the benefit of AI marketing software.

An AI marketing platform will not only allow you to measure the performance of your past marketing campaigns but it will also inform you about how to create successful future campaigns. AI can take the efficiency of your marketing strategy to the next level by providing a directional lead for your marketing team to follow. When your marketing team has a deep understanding of the best steps to take to create the most successful strategy, their marketing efforts will be sure to increase your company’s ROI.

Top AI Powered Marketing Automation Tools

There are many AI-powered marketing automation tools on the market to automate your tedious tasks and improve your marketing efforts. A few of those tools include:

  • Astro is an intelligent, AI email marketing management tool that will allow you to get the most from your email marketing.
  • Clara is an assistant many companies use for scheduling, rescheduling and following up on meetings.
  • ActionIQ is a cross-channel, data management tool used to gain centralized insights into your marketing strategies.
  • Adobe Audience Manager is a data management platform that helps you identify segments of your target market and understand them better in order to create more targeted ad campaigns.
  • Cloudsight is an image classification tool that allows you to better understand digital media context so you can get the most out of any digital media you implement into your marketing plan.
  • Acronlinx is a word processing platform that uses natural language processing, NLP, to continually provide intelligent suggestions for your content.
  • Automated Insights is a tool that produces human-sounding and actionable narratives, that are SEO optimized, from data. This tool can build anything from video game narratives to client communications with natural language generation, NLG.
  • Albert is a comprehensive AI marketing platform that performs automated and autonomous targeting and optimization, media buying, cross-channel distribution, and analytics.
  • Boomtrain is a data processing tool that offers predictive intelligence and omnichannel marketing automation.
  • Kenshoo is a cross-channel audience targeting tool that improves the way you market to your audience no matter what channel you’re using to communicate with them.
  • Indico is an AI-powered marketing automation tool that uses machine learning to analyze images and text. This tool evaluates brand equity, social media, and consumer insights to improve your marketing strategy.
  • Ascend uses AI-powered conversion testing and optimization to improve your conversion efforts.
  • Reputation.com is an online reputation management website that turns customers into brand champions. This website does this by enlisting their voice to improve ratings and reviews about your company across the web.

There are many AI marketing automation tools available for you to improve your marketing efforts. AI and machine learning have come a long way in the past few decades and have changed many aspects of our lives. From being able to order products with just our voice to improving our marketing plans, AI and machine learning marketing automation are improving every industry and the best news is this is just the start of what it can achieve.

Emily Pribanic | Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

Emily Pribanic |Emily is a graduate of the University of North Texas. She has her B.A. in Advertising with a concentration in Copywriting. Emily has been writing since she was young and has a creative imagination. She lives in Dallas, Texas with her family and two cats.

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